Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let the swelling begin.....

The Texas heat is a hater on pregnant women! This is the first week I've started to experience some swelling in my hands and feet. The four things on my body that I can always count on being bony and they are swelling up making me look more like the "Michelin Man" every day! I'm sad thinking of the day I won't be able to wear my wedding rings, but so far I can still get those suckers on! :)

We took a tour of the hospital last Saturday morning and I have to admit it scared the crap out of me. I had the "death grip" on Eric the whole time! I even almost started crying twice. I guess the reality of it all was becoming too much. There were like 15 preggos there with their "partners"...I couldn't believe there were so many of us! The nurses were really cool and knowledgeable and the hospital looks like the Galleria! Their security system for newborns is not unlike Fort Knocks....so not kidding. If the alarm goes off on one of the babies bracelets, every door in the hospital locks down. It's SO awesome feeling that safe....these people do NOT mess around. :) All in all it was a great experience and I'm so glad we did it. Nice to know what is coming....well as far as the environment goes, anyway. :)

It's almost Memorial Day Weekend! :) YAY! I'm super excited about the events planned for this weekend and seeing my brother and all my friends and family.

Hope you guys have a terrific weekend! See you next blog!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWWEEEE!!! Lori Loo!!! I'm literally crying!!! Seeing your beautiful picture from the baby shower and just thinking about all the chats "under the glass" and in the kitchenette. I am SOO happy for you honey, more than words! You will be wonderful parents and I dont know two people more deserving!!! Please keep me posted!! 12 July is my mom's bday! Cancerians are wonderful, gentle souls. I can't wait to see photos of little Natalie!! Lots of love xxx