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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy 2-month birthday, Punks! (you too, Aunt Lynda :)

Natalie had her 2 month birthday today! She unfortunatly spent the morning at the doctor getting her immunization shots.... :( I stared at her before we went thinking how pristine she was and how unaware of what was about to happen to her....it made me so sad. I pleaded with her to forgive me as we walked in the door. She screamed, but it was over so fast, and she calmed down almost as quickly.
We got home and she slept until it was time for her next feeding. As soon as she was done eating she started screaming and crying.....and I figured it had something to do with her shots. :( She had no fever, but her little injection areas were kinda puffy and red and the slightest touch set her off. I spent the better part of the afternoon holding my screaming little girl and walking her around the house while she attempted to sleep it off. It was breaking my heart and making me cry! I've never in her life heard her cry like that....it was so upsetting for us both. I think she just feels sore and it is completely foreign to her. Poor hunny! I'm so sorry!!! :(
Today, Punky, you weighed in at 11.5lbs and measured at 23" long!! wow! What a growth spurt! You are long and lean and gorgeous! :)
I can't believe that you are two months old...that two months ago today we were in the hospital getting to know each other. We make a great team and I'm so happy that I get to spend every single day with you!
(FYI...everyone's feeling much better now! ) :)

Mommy loves you, Natty! :)

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