Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolution

I thought long and hard about my new year's resolution this year and the most important thing I plan to do is actually not going to change. I resolve to be the best mom I can be to you, every day of my life. I have some personal changes that I want to make. Traditional ones like, not watch as much TV, do more organic cooking, don't let things get to me and don't stick my nose in places where it doesn't belong. I resolve to make myself a better person for you to look up to. I don't want you to aspire to be me, just live in the comfort of knowing that there are good, honest people in the world, including your mom and dad.

You got your first cold! ugh....I hate it. The sneezing constantly and the runny nose....along with the coughing probably makes me more miserable than you! :) You are in great spirits, so I think you are just in the icky stage now. We have the humidifier going in your room as I type (you are napping) and it's SO loud, but I think it's a great white noise for you while you sleep peacefully, or semi-peacefully.
You are starting to sprout some teeth! They aren't in the order I thought, but apparently all kids are different. I can see two white bulges in your gums on the bottom row, which I think is your third tooth position...we shall see! But you sure are messing with it a lot!
In case I don't get a chance to blog on Friday, Happy 6 months, monkey! It's been the best 6 months of my life. Having you has made me push myself in the best way and I have tested my limits and realized that perhaps there is no limit. A true motherly love does everything automatically, I have no control. You are absolutely everything to me nnd have changed my life in so many amazing ways. I love you, my baby girl, and I can't imagine a world without Natalie Michelle Yandle.....

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