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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sick Day

Today is a sick day for me and my girl. Baby Hayden kept me up for hours last night and she's not even born yet. Seems like the more tired I am the more active she is. Usually if I sleep she sleeps....but if I wake up in the middle of the night she is like, "what's happening?!" and kicks into overdrive. I can't be mad at her, I love her so much....BUT it's so frustrating to get a decent night's sleep maybe once a week. It's making these last few weeks of pregnancy difficult on me. Now I've contracted a cold and spread it to Natalie. boo :( She has the runniest nose she's EVER had. Usually her immune system is a championship fighter cause she very rarely gets sick. Not so lucky this time. She's not really acting sick...just has watery eyes, sneezing too many times to count and her nose is about to "run" right off of her face. :( I hate it, but she's got some meds in her system now and is down for her nap so hopefully she sleeps the boogies away. :)

I'm going to lay down and watch Ellen and try to get as many winks as I can. I hope both my monkeys fall asleep soon so I can.

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