Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Ok, I probably only have just a few minutes to blog since your nap is coming to a close...so here goes!
THREE months has passed.....awww, my monkey girl, I'm so sorry I didn't blog-keeping things rolling as you progressed. :( Here's the low down..... EVERYTHING seemed to happen at 10 months!! We waited, and waited, and waited and finally an erruption of learning and expressing came pouring through! First of all, you got your bottom teeth with no problems in February....then around 9 months you started getting more cranky and that is so not you! I could see the buds of your uppers and figured they'd be along soon....well, we waited a MONTH and they finally broke through! You had a rough time (and so did mommy! :( ) but you pulled (or should I say "pushed") through it like a champ! We made it and they are, as of today, half way in, and an inciser just broke through this weekend! You hadn't crawled except for the army man on a mission (using elbows to drag your body along the floor) and the doctor didn't seem to care, considering all you really wanted to do was stand. :) But you did start crawling, knees up last week! go girl! You first sat up on your own, in your crib at 10 months, you also stood up in your gated play room at 10 months. You started cruisin' around the furniture and using your walker to take over the house! We are sooooo proud of you, monkey!! If you hadn't noticed, your nicknames have changed some too. I go back and forth with them and dad and I seem to keep adding to the list :) Punkys, monkey (one of our faves), NuNu, Nat the cat, Nanner Bananer, etc, etc. ;) Your dad asked me the other day if we are going to call you NuNu when you are 16 and I said, "YES!" But you may have other ideas, and maybe by then we will have deicded to spare you the embarrassment. ;)
Things are crazy busy for us. You still take a morning and afternoon nap, but those vary. So we are usually always in entertaining mode, which I don't mind. I'm also getting busy thinking of all I need to get ready for your FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Yay!! I'm so bitter sweet about the whole thing. Daddy and I watched the videos from when you were born and your first months and I can't believe how time has just flown by. I want you to stay a baby forever and you were so tiny with very little hair and so inquisitive. You have changed indefinitely. Lots of hair, teeth, tall, wearing 12-18 months clothing and I really think you will be walking before or by your birthday. I am very excited about the years to come and I love watching you change and grow. You have very quickly become my best friend and it makes my heart melt to hear you say "mama" and when you see daddy, "dadda" It's so amazing. You eat lots of solids now, which you had a hard time with in the beginning. We are talking GAGGING, girl. :( wasn't pretty. But I think we are out of the woods and that you will start to love more and more foods. You aren't into regular milk right now, but we are trying to ween you by the time your birthday rolls around. We bought our last container of formula today, so hopefully you will get used to it :)
You are just the funniest and most adorable person I have ever known and I hope that you stay just that sweet always.
I love you mucho mucho and it grows with every breath I take.
More to come on your birthday plannying!
PS.....Can't wait for your birthday trip to Florida!!

1 comment:

Lynda said...

I'm glad mommy posted and we can't wait for your BIG day. I wonder what we will get you?