Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome Fall!

Been all too long since I posted, but with a very mobile 14 month old, life barely ever has any breaks! Natalie is doing SOOO well! She is cruising around the house, only once in a while will she break free and walk on her own. I'm glad she isn't doing more, because right now, she does enough! She can step up and climb up the stairs (under Eric's or my supervision of course)...this child's fear is minimal!
There are so many things she's learning including animal sounds. The funny thing is that her M's are B's. If I say, "what does a cow say?" Natalie says..."BOOOO!" LOL! And, "what does a cat say?" she says, "Booo-OW!" It's adorable. I've been singing the itsy bitsy spider and the alphabet song (doing sign language as I sing it) and she tries to do all the hand movements to both songs.
More words she says are "Dadda" and instead of "Mama" she says "Baba" :) She's definitely in love with her daddy! We went to our friend's wedding last weekend and she was such a trooper! We were out until about 11:00pm (her bedtime is around 7:30pm) and she didn't even cry...just was obviously tired. She kept wanting her daddy to lay on. Just seeing her snuggle him warmed my heart. I'm so proud of their relationship.
I think the reason why it is even stronger now is because Eric took care of her 24/7 after I had my gall bladder surgery. I had been sick, and having attacks for about a month and eventually had it taken out. They discovered it was inflamed and I had over 50 stones! Crazy. It was an outpatient/lapriscopic surgery so I was only in he hospital for one day...and got to come home in the afternoon. I was out of comission for about 4 days. I'm so proud of Eric for taking care of me and our little one. I'm sooo lucky to have him in my life! Natalie didn't understand why I couldn't pick her up, and it was so hard on me....but I knew I would pull through and get back to my job ASAP!
Fall is here! I can't believe we got our first cold front on the first day of Fall! I love this time of year and am hoping for a wet and chilly Fall and Winter. Natalie is such a warm temperature baby and I think she will love it! I'm hoping to get her new wardrobe within the next couple of weeks. She has slowed down a lot as far as her size goes. I think she's been wearing 12-18month clothes since she was 10 months old! All of it is summer stuff, so she needs a new season. She's getting close to growing out of a lot of it too....so, it's good incentive. :) I've already pulled together what I want on websites and it's awaiting it's purchase :)
My birthday is tomorrow and I'm actually happy about it. Going through what I did made me realize how lucky I am and that I need to be more optimistic about life. And, 33, for some reason...sounds good. Who knew? :)
I hope to write more blogs now that the crazy summer is over!
Nat-the-Cat....I love you more than words can say and I enjoy every minute we spend together. You are truly a gift that your dad and I cherish. I just can't wait for all the holidays heading our way this year! You will look at stuff a whole new way and I can't wait to see the look of wonderment in those big blue eyes! :)
Mom (aka--Baba) ;)

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