Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well, Natalie's 2nd Halloween has come and gone...but she had a GREAT time!
Nat, you were sooo cute in your ballerina costume! It was a total last minute idea because you no longer fit into the original (lady bug fairy) costume. I'm not complaining because you looked ADORABLE as a little pink ballerina! Funny thing is that it is a swimsuit!! Tutu and all! So hopefully you will get some good use out of it (and still fit into it) during the spring/summer months. :)
I really thought that you would be scared of the trick-or-treaters, but you loved it. You had a look of amazement and didn't say much at first, but then you started talking back to them (saying "trick-or-treat" in your own language) then as they were leaving you waved way up high and said "BYE BYE!" it was so cute. :) You are definitely a social butterfly and love people. I still can't get over you blowing kisses at the little kids....like they were your babies or something. Too cute.
You are saying so many words now. Pumpkin (Bop-pop), Flower (oh-wower) butterfly (bop-buf), Mama (Baba) are just to name the few and most popular....of course you have been saying Dadda for a long time.....and since the beginning it has been very accurate. :)
As of Oct. 29th you started out walking on your own. No help from mommy, daddy or the furniture. I was sitting in the family room and saw you going around the couch...but noticed you weren't touching anything! I quietly got up to watch you go into the kitchen and around again and I jumped for joy! You've been taking independent steps through the furniture and you have become a pro at walking holding mom's hand since you were 12 months, but you decided on your own that it would be fun to walk. :) I don't see any difference in your activity other than it's upright :) so I don't get it when people used to say "be glad she's not walking" you have gotten into things for many months now ;). The only issue I have now is that you just learned how to open and shut doors...ayyyyyeeee. :( That's what daddy and I get for being 'fancy' with the lever door knobs! Who knew we'd have a child one day back when we were designing the house! Oh well....it's an adventure. ;)
I'm looking forward to the holiday season and seeing you run to the tree on christmas morning even though you still don't really know what's happening...we will still encourage you. I love Halloween just as much as Christmas so even though it's over and it makes me sad, I'm glad we are that much closer to a beautiful christmas season with our big girl!
Daddy and I are planning a surprise that we are hoping will pan out to be the best gift of your life.
We love you, monkey-do! More and more every day....
Mom "Baba" :)

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