Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby hugs

Baby hugs are the cure for what ails you....no doubt about it!
My sweet girl, you have started hugging and daddy and I just can't get enough! It's the best feeling in the world. Those tiny arms wrapping around me is so amazing....even if it comes with a slobbery bite on the cheek! :)
It's so incredible to watch you learning things every second. You are so determined! If only adults put forth that much effort in things....this world would be a better place. Every second I spend with you is better than the one before. You always turn a bad day good. All I have to do is look at you and happiness fills my heart. :)
One thing I have to note that I think is so hillarious and kinda sad is that you will just sit in a poopy diaper and never even say a word. Again, this morning, I went to get you up and your diaper was filled!! How could anyone not scream to be cleaned up! You are so easy going and I hope that will continue throughout your life.
I love, love, love you, my monkeys.

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