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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Makes me wonder...

I read all these blogs by celebrity moms who are adamant about "green" and "honest" living. It seems to have just hit them after having their babies that the planet isn't safe with all the chemicals found in, well, household chemicals. It makes me wonder, am I that horrible a mother for using clorox products? I think I do the best I can with their best interests at heart. I feel "green" cause I don't wash their hair every day and always use my reusable shopping bags every time I go to the grocery store, but is it enough? I do buy the more natural clorox cleaning products, so that's something. :) Although I'm sure my husband prefer I just buy the cheapest thing possible, which means less attention is made to the product itself. I also believe in free range chicken and eggs. Happy chickens, happy food. :) I've also thought a lot about going back to vegetarianism. I was before I got preggo with my first child. My preggo self all of a sudden hated soy milk AND veggies! It was craziness for me. I was craving a nice fat juicy steak too much of the time. So I haven't been back since, but I feel increasingly sad for animals. I hate it when I don't use all my eggs and have to throw them away. Those eggs were brought into the world for me to throw away???? :( I also HATE HATE HATE seeing a package of veal in the grocery store. I can't stand the thought of it being a baby cow, born for human consumption and I can't believe that every other human doesn't feel the same way! I know animals haven't much emotion or brain activity, for that matter, but I still feel horrible for what is going into my mouth. :( My husband is a carnivore from WAY back so it's never going to be a family decision to go sans meat. Another problem is that I need to eat a good amount of protein at each meal for my "program" to work, and there is only so much cottage cheese and protein powder one can take in a day! Decisions, decisions. I guess if these are my big brain strains, I guess I'm doing pretty good. ;) I want to do THE best for my girls and just because I feel a certain way, does that mean I have to impose it on them? I've never thought that just cause a parent feels one way that they should force their kid into it. Not that mine are old enough to make those kinds of decisions, they can only follow what we do, but sometimes I feel someone's personal preference is just that, personal. I guess until they can make their own decisions, I have to do what I do, keep them healthy and happy. :) Everything else will fall in line...in time. So even though I am still "wondering" I know exactly who I am and what I feel and that makes it right in my book. Maybe that's a cool thing I'm teaching my kids, to know they have a choice. As long as they are happy, I am happy.

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