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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Reflections of a Mother's Day

More like reflections of a mother's week! Last week was rough. I got up Monday morning feeling much better about everything, and decided that I wasn't going to let hormonal imbalance run my life! So I got on the treadmill and took back my routine. I knew I had a lot of make up work to do after last week's sabbatical. I'm not quite sure what spurred my determination, will power and overall self to take a nose dive, but it felt like I had no control over it. I felt like a "shell" and basically just going through the motions. It seems like no amount of alone time would help take the edge off. I baked, I ate chocolate, I tried new recipes, I pinned, I did all I could do to bring me out of that funk, but I went to bed sad every night. I thought for sure I was going to quit this program/way of life that my hubby and I started 10 weeks ago, and that made me more depressed. I kept telling myself to just give it a week off and see what happens...either way I was going to have to force myself out of that "ditch" one way or another, whether I liked it or not. One thing is for sure, my husband was NOT going to let me give up and/or fail. He very kindly said "maybe you just need a break" (or agreed when I said it :) but he did agree that I needed to take time and he did NOT judge me when I had mini failures throughout the funk. That night as I was snuggling with Natalie on the couch, she told me "you are the best mom ever, the best mom I ever had." :) It made my heart melt and I felt so lucky to have a child so sweet, so incredible. She had had a rough week too, but was doing much better. She told me before bed that she had "a-cided (decided) to be a big girl and to be nice." It's amazing...just when you think they aren't listening...they totally are. Of course I realized that life in general is a learning experience. Nothing ever goes as planned, or the way you really want it. You have to adapt to it, and make the best out of all situations. My girls are always going to fight over stuff, I have to pick the battles I go to war in, and leave the others alone. They have to learn to get along, and they do get along in the best ways. Hayden has been in and out of good moods this week thanks to teething rearing it's ugly head again!! UGH! I still love her to bits. :) The girls are very into Dora the Explorer these days. Hayden LOVES Swiper the Fox! She does his little theme music and does her "shocked face" when he comes out. :) She's so cute. She still loves to sing (and sings the Dora song)...I'm surprised she can say words so clearly. Natalie has grown 3 inches since the last time I measured her which I'm thinking was around christmas time. I can't believe she's shot up that much! I think she is in the 93rd percentile for height! crazy. I think soon I'm going to have to start getting her clothes in the "big girl" section instead of the "baby girl" section. :( Sadness. She's growing up too fast!! They both are. Time to get you girlies up...I love you so much ..let's have some fun!! XO Mom

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