Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I swear it seems like my posts are coming further and further apart! Maybe cause they are. :) I am going to get on it and become more diligent. My girls just deserve more. Anyway, Hayden is into this "SHRIEKING" phase. I dunno what started it, why it is happening, no do I know when it's going to stop. NOTHING seems to be deterring her from doing it. She shrieks in horror, in pain and in delight. It's so ear splitting that I am feel my ear drums pounding and aching at least 10 minutes after it comes ringing from her vocal chords. My hubby can't stand it and I'm sure one day he's going to snap and run out of our house! He is so calm and cool with everything (except OU football) so it will be epic if I can't get her to quiet that sweet scream. :) Hayden just got a new tooth too, totally out of "normal" baby tooth order..a MOLAR! I only can think that the shrieking, crazy Hayden is because of the giant teeth making their way through her gums. THAT is my ONLY theory at this point. She is a trip and an adventure, always making her voice HEARD. I'm so proud of how she is with other babies, kids and adults. I thought she would be particularly shy, but she's totally come around. I was holding a friend's baby the other day and was sitting on the floor. Hayden came over and put her little jealous arm around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, just to say, "I'm here and I'm STILL your baby!" lol...it was so sweet and unexpected. Natalie never seemed to be bothered by me holding another baby...so it was nice to be wanted. :) My little Hayden, you are learning so much, as you have been since you could see more than 12" in front of your face! :) You know most of the more exotic animal sounds. Your favorite being the lion growl. I can't get you to mimic dogs and cats too often but you do a mean dinosaur and snake. :) You are a copy cat and watching you learn things by doing them over and over is a total riot. :)
Speaking of learning, Natalie is officially enrolled in pre-school! She starts int he fall and she is extremely excited. I guess I'm sort of bittersweet about it all. I can't believe how much tuition is, especially since she will only be going two days a week, but I know it will be fun for her. We will likely bump her up to three days a week in the spring, especially if things are going well. The school is very close to our house, so that helps ease my mind. Everyone keeps telling me how it's going to be harder on me than it will be on her, and I do believe they are right. I am excited for her to learn and gain new experiences and make friends. I'm sure she will love it, or learn to. :) I imagine she won't want me to leave and that will make me sob until I pick her up but I'm sure we will both get used to it.
For now it's summer and I need to get to working on Natalie's 4th birthday. I have, as usual, too much to do. We aren't going anywhere for vacation this year. We decided we need to aggressively start saving money for the future so I will have to be creative when it comes to our summer fun. I'm sure I'm up for the challenge. The possibilities are endless!!

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