Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Natalie's First Day of School!

Today is Natalie's first day of Pre-k school. She's only doing 2 day/half days, but still...it was SO hard for me to leave her with "strangers." She did so great though and looking forward to it for so many weeks. Luckily we got to have a play date for about 30 minutes prior to this, so she got used to it a little bit. As soon as we walked in, you went straight for the teacher (Ms. Val) and showed her your backpack and lunch bag. Mommy was dumb and made you your fave sandwich, pb and j, but it's a "peanut free facility" so I had to bring it home. You have plenty more to chow on, and can have the sandwich when I pick you up at 1. :) There were lots of kids in there already and you started playing immediately. I'm nervous about all the things you are going to have to do on your own or depend on someone else for. In your 4 years of life, I've always done everything for you....so trusting in someone else and letting you learn your independence is pretty frightening for me. I will admit, as I have in the past, that I'm a bit OCD when it comes to things. I have to learn to relinquish control. It's good for all of us. :)
Last night y'all were looking at two different animal books, making the sounds of all the animals and chit chatting. Hayden said, "Hug" and gave you a hug Nat. Then Natalie said, "aww Hayden...you're just the best sister." It was the sweetest thing and it melted my heart. I will never forget it and I think I teared up a little bit. I love watching you girls grow into your own personalities. Hayden you say so many words and Natalie your compassion and sense of humor is in full bloom. Fall is almost upon us and the real fun begins, for mommy. :) I can't wait for fall decorating and halloween projects and the start of the holiday season. LATER SUMMER!! We have been in our cabinet painting project for a full week now and you guys are adapting to the craziness; dust, stuff everywhere, complete chaos. You don't ask many questions, just keep on keepin' on. Mommy and daddy can't wait till it's all done and we can enjoy our kitchen again!! Love you!!!! XO Mom

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