Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2nd post of the day!

I usually don't post more than once a day, in fact I barely get a chance to do it once a week, but this is a special occasion. When I say "special" I mean crazy, chaotic and all other related adjectives.
First of all I was in a rush, AGAIN to get to the doctor cause I was running late...AGAIN. I just can't seem to get a good groove going when it comes to getting to places with both girls and no husband. ugh. I'll get there, I'll get there.
So as I'm approaching the pediatrician's office I almost missed the turn cause lets face it, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to directions, even though I've been there like 20 times. So my turn was sharp and fast and Natalie was like "Wow, mom lets do that 'gain!" I said, "I almost missed it....don't tell daddy that mommy did that." The minute we step inside the waiting room Natalie says to anyone who is listening, "My mom almost missed it and turned really, really fast!" Oh god save the queen, Natalie....REALLY? You called out your OWN MOTHER??? Not cool....
Everyone got a good laugh out of it cause it was coming from an almost 3 year old, so they likely didn't believe all her details....they must not have cause CPS didn't show up to take the girls away from me, yet.
Moving on....we get into the examination room and run all of Hayden's numbers and after a little play she wants to drink her milk. So I feed her maybe an ounce when some dude walks in. He says he's a "med student" and I'm like, OH GREAT. He acts nervous so it makes me uneasy. Soon after he walked in the door, I was burping Hayden and she spewed all over my blue shirt making a massive mess. The "student" then proceeds to try to diagnose her with acid reflux. How it's common in a lot of infants, all the ways they treat it, etc etc....no matter how many times I tell him she for sure doesn't have it and that mess was not her usual, he continued to be latched onto that idea. Finally he left and brought back the pediatrician.....15 minutes later. Before they came back in Natalie said, "oh no, mom..I need to go poop" I had to make her wait cause I had no idea when the doc would come in and I couldn't just put Hayden down. It was so stressing me out to tell my child to "hold it"...real healthy, I know.
The good thing is that Hayden is doing awesome, although not now that she got three shots. YUCK. That's the worst experience ever. So I'm letting Hayden sleep on me for as long as she wants today cause I feel so horrible that she had to feel any kind of pain. There has to be a scientist held up in some rat hole somewhere devoted to figuring out how to vaccinate kids without using a needle.
To end our experience we stopped at Target for some Mother's Day shopping for mommy and then to chic-fil-a where I was a good girl and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and didn't even sneak a fry from Natalie's kids' meal. I didn't even get mad when she accidentally dumped the second half of her lunch on the floor...wow, what control I have. Now I know the reasoning behind Hayden's amazing night of sleep last night....it was so I wouldn't snap today. :)

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