Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Whine, cry, spit up, repeat

That's the day I'm having today. Last night's sleep was lacking during some hours and full of tension during others. I kept hearing Hayden making coughing, spit up and gurgling sounds....oh yea and the grunt that she has become so famous for. Its so hard to sleep when I am scared she's gagging. :( She's having trouble resting/sleeping so that puts me on edge. I can't function if my girls don't get adequate rest. Hoping for a better day tomorrow especially since we are going to Hayden's doctor appt, just me and the girls...no daddy. :( It's her first shots, and I'm so not looking forward to those eyes welling up with tears and looking at me like, "why did you let this happen to me????" Ugh...boy...SO need a glass of wine to comprehend all that life is offering up to me right now. I need a workout bad.

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