Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yesterday went by in a ........FLASH! I had a few minutes to myself yesterday while the girls were napping, for catching up on shows that only I like to watch. But of course some of that time was spent creating and assembling our Valentine's Day dessert. It was fun, so I'm not complaining. :) By the time I finished that and took a shower the girls were ready to get up. Then I played with them and started on dinner cause they can't go much passed 6:30. I was rushing around...chicken, sauce, pasta (protein packed, thank you!)...and at the last minute I decided to make some of my herb biscuits. I made my plate, set it down...made Nat's plate, she started eating, cut up Hayden's dinner and she started eating. By the time I sat down at the table my biscuits were done! So up again. Got one for everyone...and finally got a chance to eat. While eating I realized, man this is COLD. But then I thought, "how many meals have I had that were actually warm?" What's weird is that I don't even mind. The best part of my meal is seeing my husband and our kids eating and happy. I think about that at every dinner time. Knowing that I took care of them is the best part of my day. We had an interesting day. Natalie thought I said it was "OK" to smear her hands around in red ink from the stamp she got. "Uh oh, I got it on my hands"...Me-"that's ok we'll wash it off"....Nat, 5 minutes later-"Look mom! My hands are playing!" I look over and her hands are RED! Oh man...She thought I meant it was ok to go crazy in the ink! "BUT MOM!! YOU SAID IT WAS OK!" Nice one...on both our parts. SO her hands were stained for a few hours. pff. Then Hayden was having trouble all day with crying and and whining. I know it's the new milk getting regulated in her system and teething on the horizon. My poor girl. Then Natalie left part of the valentine's dessert on her little Dora desk and Hayden went and helped herself before I could stop her. :( She looked so happy but I was nervous about her having sugar and I took it out of her mouth. WHY DID I DO THAT? I had really learned to let a lot of things go this time around...but I guess I got thrown back to Natalie's baby days without even knowing it. Hayden was SO mad at me. That's one thing about Hayden, she wears her heart on her sleeve! She will practically YELL if she is mad or doesn't get her way. On a softer note, she is the cutest dancer. She will swing her hips all around and then bend down with arms out. The signature Hayden move. ;) Don't worry, video to come! :) Ok, interception time coming. Natalie and Hayden are playing together, and that always means destruction. Oh...and I smell something. :( Love you, my little stinkers! :) XO Mom

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