Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I have no title for this post cause it's a random collection of thoughts. So duh! "Random" would've sufficed. :) Anywho. We went out into the chilly, rainy weather to hit up some bbq for lunch and look for a new rug for our family room. The one we currently have has been laying on the wood floors since I THINK before Natalie was born....so it's seen it's fair share of muddy doggy prints, soda spills, etc, etc, etc. It's time for it to retire to the living room where there is little to no traffic and it can be taken care of and freshened and live out it's remaining years as a Yandle Family Rug, with very little abuse. :) Our new rug is similar in texture and size but a lovely, lighter color to add to my current "brightening up" theme obsession. I know, I know, lighter colors show more wear and tear including spots and drips and dirty paw prints (hey! I'm a POET! ;)). I'm hoping the scotch guard helps with that....but if it doesn't...OH WELL! My rug, my business. :) Here's the little helper as we tote the the new addition home.
And the little side kick laughing at her big sister!
We got home and I immediately took the girls upstairs for nap time. I asked Natalie to go potty and then go wait in her room for me. I put Hayden down and changed her diaper and grabbed a couple of toys, and a monkey for her to mess with while she settles down for sleep. I turned on all the noise killers and gave her a kiss and ventured off to Nat's room. Natalie got her "nap wear" on and found a toy and a book and laid down. I turned on her noise killers and gave her a kiss and off I went. I exhaled, as I always do, when I shut her door. Meanwhile, I still had to pee and needed to since our 1st errand location. My point of this paragraph is that mom's sometimes shut down everything just to make sure their kids are taken care of. It's such a bizarre feeling when you realize..."oh yea, I have to pee"....isn't it? Anyway, the girls being taken care of is the best part of my day. I like knowing that they had a good poop, were fed a well balanced meal, and a good amount of stimulation/activity, and are resting comfortably in their beds. Whether it's night time or nap time, that feeling is wonderful and completely fills me up with happiness. Being a mom is the single HARDEST thing I've ever had to do in my life and I'm not even close to exaggerating that statement. It's the truth. BUT, at the same time it's the most gratifying thing I have ever done. I have bad weeks and I have great, awesome, fantastic weeks. All of us moms and dads are the same and it's all about growing and learning from the bad weeks and feeling SO grateful for the good ones. Yesterday was Hayden's 11 month birthday. I still am in awe of this child. She LOVES to eat and as soon as the food is set down in front of me...she starts whining, clawing and grabbing for it like a caged animal! haha...hilarious. Last night she ate pita bread, some veggie burger, the bun, amongst other things. She also will kiss if you ask nice and lays her head on my leg or on the couch and look up with big puppy dog eyes. I say "awww, sweet baby" and she does it again. :) She knows how to play the game. ;) She also laughs whenever we laugh. Doesn't know what's happening, doesn't know what we are laughing at...doesn't care. haha...too funny. Natalie, you...crack...me....UP! Your drawings are absolutely the best and sometimes the highlight of my day. A couple of days ago you drew a picture you said was of mommy...but then you ran into the room saying, "I'm scared!!" I said, "of what?" you said "of the scary mommy I drew...the teeth are scary" So I went over to look and you were trying to draw mommy's smile but made a bunch of pointy teeth! :| So I erased it and drew a happy mommy, which you loved. Then today you drew yourself (on the right) then drew daddy. You went to tell him and he asked "did you draw Hayden?" "NO!" you said. He told you to go draw her and you said, with reluctancy, "ooooo...k." THIS is the finished product: Notice the baby sister squeeeeeezed in next to daddy? It was as if you were telling the story of how you REALLY feel. Classy, Natalie...real classy. ;)
Man, I just love you two! You are both so sweet, so curious and so funny with just enough differences to make you individuals. My wicked little monkey, Hayden and my crazy little cautious butterfly, Natalie. You both are unique and beautiful and make my heart happy. :) LOVE YOU!! XO, Mom

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