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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a special Valentine's Day filled with new stuffed "friends" (a frog and bear for Natalie and two dogs for Hayden), heart-shaped pancakes and chocolate candy for Natalie AND Mom! :) Natalie got to give her daddy the card she made for him and was so proud of it! She actually kept the secret for a few days too. :) I think my favorite part of the day so far was seeing the look of happy confusion on Hayden's face. All of us telling her "happy valentine's day!" and the presents, she's like "WHAT is all this!?" It was so cute. :) My husband got her to take an unassisted step last night while I was making dinner. I didn't see it happen, but I will take his word for it. ;) My other favorite part of today was receiving a very special card from my very special husband. I can't help it, I love cards and I will want them for every special occasion for the rest of my life. I told him that during one of the first dates and he's never forgotten. Cards are nice for what the author wrote, but they are even more special to me because he always picks the best ones, for their beauty and the way it speaks to me. If that wasn't awesome enough, he writes something so special in them as well. Today's was particularly awesome and it brought a tear to my eye. Just when I start doubting myself he swoops in with the most comforting words of love and appreciation. He is just my best friend EVER and my heart is literally connected to his. :) Natalie and Hayden, I wish for you a partner who is as awesome as your dad. Someone who is not perfect, but perfect for you. Someone who will love with all of their heart and swoop in only for you. :) Happy Valentine's day, girls!! We LOVE YOU!! Here's to a fun day of chocolate and baking and dancing and chocolate.... :) XO, Mom

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