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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Seems to never end...

The "sickness" seems to linger tooooo long. I hate that Natalie has been fighting her symptoms for 8 days now (not like she seems to be fazed) and Hayden for 6 days. I sat in a steamy bathroom with her for about 15 minutes with vicks on both of us and it seemed to work a little, but 10 minutes later it all started "runnin" again. :( UGH. I was just telling my sis-in-law how I am just so paranoid and want to fix it when they are sick. She gave me good advice, "you know you can't fix it, you just have to let it run it's course." So simple and total common sense, but all I can consume myself with is "get better, get better, get better." I can't help but feel a piece of me hurting when things aren't exactly "perfect" with my little ones. It's dumb, I know it...you know it...we all know it...but, it's just how I'm wired. I am only supposed to have two kids, I know that now. I think one more might cause my head to explode. I love my little monsters so much but sometimes it feels like consumption overload. Maybe that doesn't make much sense but sadly it does in my mind. Ok, BREATHING. :) I'm a good mom, really I am. I think being neurotic before motherhood set me up for some interesting episodes. :) Hayden is so cute, regardless of being sick. She is getting so fancy with her walking. She is fast and can turn around and keep going. She loves to come into the kitchen when I'm in there and watch me. I think she is really digging her new found freedom. I'm so proud of her for picking herself up when she falls down. There is whining but it doesn't last too long. ;) My little jitter bug still loves music and dancing SO much. She will come from any room or corner of the house when she hears music...it's too awesome for her to miss! :) Natalie is still learning the "sharing" thing with her sister and others. It was kinda hard this weekend but she eventually came around. She is running and loving to dance too. She's so creative with her drawings and her building. I know she is going to be a cool artist and a reader. There is a huge attachment with her and things she finds cool. She will hold and take the "toys dujour" wherever we go. It's funny but also bothersome when friends come over and want to play with them too. :( It's kinda sad when I know she loves these things SO much and has this honest and intense concern for them when someone else wants to play with them. I don't think people really understand how hard it is for her to "let go." She is only 3, but also I think she has an extremely caring soul. I feel myself as a little girl come back when I witness certain things Natalie does. It's like my little girl is the same as Natalie. She worries, she cares deeply for her friends (at this time that is her stuffed animals), and needs to have things a certain way or gets really upset. Um..that's so me. I am bitter sweet about that because it hurts to love this much, but at least I understand her and can help her through it. I know Natalie is me in some ways, and Hayden is me in other ways. It's kinda bizarre seeing yourself split into two people. I think you see yourself more clearly when that happens and notice things that you hadn't before. When you look at it that way, it's a very good thing for personal growth and understanding. Maybe a workout will ease my tension while my girls get their rest. Love you my little sickies!! I am doing whatever I can to make you smile, giggle and wiggle your toes. That will for sure push those yucky germs away!! :) XO!! Mom

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