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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I put a question mark on that cause I'm not sure that a stay-at-home mom knows what her fashion sense is, well this mom is unclear. I love all things fashion. I love the crazy hair and make up and the artistic garbs on the runway. I love "in the now" trends, and I like the idea of being different. Things don't always work out that way for me considering I'm on an Old Navy/Target kinda budget. I'm not complaining though, it's not exactly haute couture but it's affordable, comfortable, washable all the "able" words that stay-at-home moms really need in their lives. I do however, wish I could go downtown Austin and check out the boutiques and pick up some adorable, funky pieces I could add to my collection. I definitely could do that but I would need a sitter. :) Not that they would ruin my shopping trip, but you know, it's hard to concentrate with a 3 year old's abundance of questions and a loud-ish chatter box baby. :) That's why online shopping is so practical for me. Since I know certain stores' sizing I can get it done quick and easy...and in one week I get a lovely package of new things. I love leaving the tags on until I am ready to wear them. I do the same for the girls. It makes me feel fantastic to see new items in the closet. This weekend I was supposed to put a "cube storage unit" in our master closet (cause it is WAY small) for older clothes we want to keep and swimsuits and shoes...stuff like that. I was supposed to share it with the hubs but he didn't seem to care what I do with the organization, so I put it on my "side" of the closet and did some fun things with it. I sat it up vertically and filled all 8 cubes with shoes on display and purse storage. I feel like I'm in a mini boutique when I walk in there, even though it's not finished, it still is a vast improvement. The girls love fashion too. Natalie ADORES shoes. Every time she gets a new pair she is giddy. :) I wish I could buy her a pair every week, but you know...the "budget." Plus that's kind of glutenous and how I used to be when I was single. I love shoes so much but my love evolved into the love of the girls' clothes. I get so excited when it's time to change their wardrobes for the new season or new size. I think I created monsters cause Hayden loves holding her clothes in the morning and sticks her hands up for me to get her out and get dressed. :) Natalie likes to dress up to go places. She is now telling me, "no, mommy...the other one." ;) I got her these little roll down yoga pants and lemme just tell you, she looks so cute and so stylish and soooo cozy in them! DIG. :) Anyway, my little fashionistas, it's time to wrap it up. You are both a little needy today. Hayden is still a bit snotty and I'm totally OVER IT, but I think it's cause she's been crying and whining because she gets mad when something doesn't work right, she's also sooooo OVER IT. :( Maybe shopping would help? ;) j/k Ok...LOVE YOU!!! XO Mom

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