Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy Busy

Obviously I have no time to blog, since it's been over a week since my last post, but I'm squeezing in some time before the girls eat breakfast. Dora is on so I have a few minutes! ;) Things have been busy busy. The teething monster refuses to leave this house! I can see Hayden trying hard to banish it but it's still lingering. :( I hate that it hurts/bugs her so much. I think I saw a white cap so I'm hoping that her pain will soon be over. This time change is throwing my girls (and ME) for a loop! They sleep late and go to bed early, which is great, but naps are messed up. I wish there was a way to keep the times the same and just not mess with it anymore cause I'm exhausted. I live by schedules and organization and although this throws a wrench it, it's only temporary. (sigh) On a different note, the girls tried a few new things last night, one of them being Talapia, and they REALLY liked it! I'm so happy. I feel SUPER healthy when I eat fish, so it makes me ecstatic that they have that good stuff in their bellies too. :) Hayden you are starting to be very interested in books...and it makes me SO happy! You love it when I read stories to you at night time, just like your sister. I can't wait for the day when you can both be read to at the same time. :) Sometimes during the day Hayden, you bring mommy or daddy books and keep giving them to us until we open them and read to you. You can already pick out things that we ask you about. "where's the pig?" and you point to the pig! "where's the cookies?" and you point to the cookies! Etc, etc....it's AWESOME! :) SO proud of you. Miss Natalie you are finally understanding the sharing thing!! YAY! Last night we had a long talk about sharing and that when you go to school you will need to have sharing understood at least a little bit. This morning you said (when I went in to get you up and dressed) "Mom...I'm ready to share my ball with Hayden"...:O HURRAY!! You did it too. "Hayden, you can borrow this for 4 days" WOW...so proud and even though it's baby steps, you are doing awesome and going in the right direction! I love you, my girls. You make me crazy and happy and proud every day of my life. I can't love you more than I do at this moment. :) XO, Mom

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