Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learning process.

I'm learning when to interject. For a while, during this whole sharing nightmare, I would referee with a firm hand every "round" but I'm learning when to step in and when to let the girls work it out on their own. I think it's easing my every day stress a little. I wish I didn't have to talk my way through it so much ie; the many blog entries that have been taken hostage by my sibling learning process. You'd think I would have it down being a sibling myself, but I guess you don't take in much knowledge of that stuff when you are in the process of growing up! It's a very interesting life and I have to say it teaches me good and bad things about myself. Being a stay at home mom is not like any other job out there. You can't be fake; you must be truly interested in your "boss's" life; you have to genuinely care about your "co-workers;" you have to be yourself. That is raw and that is REAL. For me personally, that is very important. The good, the bad and the ugly of Mommy. Girls, I hope that you appreciate and love me for all things that make me who I am. All I want for you both is the very best, so all I can do is MY very best. On a side note, I used to have a good brain. Good, not great...but definitely a good memory. Since having two kids, sometimes I can't even remember how to drink water or hold something in my hand! Crazy how on bad days that is actually true and not an exaggeration. :( Just this morning the girls were eating breakfast and Hayden had her toast in her hand that was hanging over the back of the chair. I said, "Hayden, put your toast here." Then my brain "farted" as I panicked that the dogs would get her breakfast, "TOAST!" I yelled and then Natalie and I started laughing hysterically when we both discovered that what I really meant to say was "Hayden!" haha....oh man. I wonder if vacation would help me? Sadly, I don't think I will be normal again until college. :\ Natalie, the other day you said "Wow! Brilliant!" when something cool happened. I have said it before and I will say it again, I so dig that you are learning proper English from Peppa Pig. :) It's hilarious and so "posh" all at the same time. ;) Loves you both!!! XO Mom

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