Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I think we determined that "baby" is Hayden's first word, besides "mama" and "dada." She says "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" It's SO cute...I can barely stand it. The cool thing is that we taught her that her dolls are "baby" and so every time she sees any baby doll or little girl doll she says, "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-beeeeee." Come ON! I love it. :)
She's also learned a little game called "get my sister in trouble." ALREADY!?? If Nat isn't giving her something she wants or is smothering her with hugs, she looks over at me and whines until I make it stop. WTH?!! I realized it after the third time, so she will likely not get too many more reactions from me. I don't like it when they start learning the art of "hustlin." Not cool.

Today Hayden tried boiled egg yolk and avocado, separately aaaaaaaand.....LOVED both! SO awesome for me to have an eater in the house who likes the same stuff that I do. The hubs LOATHES both of those "vile and furry" textures. haha...and Natalie is just like him. pfff...so I'm excited about Hayden's pure pallet! :)

You girlies are down for your naps so your mommy has to get her rear in gear before the time slips away from me!

Loves yous!


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