Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A new year!!

A new year brings new things! I'm really excited for what this year will bring. Hayden is turning one in a couple months, and Natalie is going to turn 4 this summer! I still can't believe it. Natalie is helping with her sister so much more. It's a relief that she's giving in to sharing. I think she's realizing that all around good things come from her good behavior. Hayden is starting to sing more and more...she's almost got the melodies down. She loves all music and does her little dance and looks towards the music in amazement. TV, stereo, toys....anything makes her wiggle! :) Our friends recently had a baby and yesterday when we went to visit them, he was making his little cooing newborn noises and Hayden just looked at him with concerned eyebrows as if to say, "what in the heck is that??" haha...hilarious. She's so exploratory and crawling everywhere. Now she's into practicing and perfecting her pull ups....I swear she's gonna walk soon! She even climbs on top of and over the top of her pink boppy chair. It's crazytown.

Both of you are growing like crazy but both becoming more and more fun as the days progress. Bath time is so much fun even though Hayden didn't like sharing a tub at first. Now she sits super close to her big sister and tries to wash her hair. :) LOVES it.
Mommy took a break from the wild world of facebook to focus more on you two and on blogging your good and bad days. I want you both to be able to read these entries in a few years and laugh and smile as much as I do. Ok, so sometimes while writing these I cry...but that's just life as a mommy! I have my hang ups and insecurities, but I have to say no matter what you both always pull me out of my funk with a slobbery kiss or a look of pure joy. I love you both to the moon and back...thanks for making mommy's sun come out. :)

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