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I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Moderation is Key.

The attack on sweet, Paula Dean is pretty ridiculous. I think people are just feeling guilty about their own hang-ups and bad choices. I've used several of her recipes and have taken out half the butter/fat to adjust to my lifestyle, so why can't other people get that??? It's pretty ridiculous. Being smart about food is being conscience of what is in the choice you are about to make and how it will make you feel after you eat it. I have had many dumb moments in my life, and not caring or trying not to think about it in the heat of the moment gets me in trouble. Coming to terms with that realization is a huge win for me. Of course people, including myself, are going to have cake, or ice cream, or some other indulgence during their lifetime, but moderation is the key. No one is perfect, least of all me! I don't feed my kids bean sprouts, or tofu, but I do make an effort to incorporate healthier ingredients into some of their favorites. Homemade pizza pockets made with whole wheat flour and low fat cheese....guess what? It's Natalie's favorite! If it tastes good, kids don't know it's low fat. SCORE! :) We make cookies and muffins together, but they are all better choices for my kiddos...and that makes me happy.

I figure learning moderation has to start at home. For me it's an ongoing struggle, but I know what I need to do and what I shouldn't do. I hope my girls learn that lesson as they grow.

My reasons for this blog entry is for my girls to know that I care SO much about their health and well being. As I've said before and will continue to say for the rest of my life, I am NOT perfect...but trying is perfection in my book. :)

I love you girls...I love cooking yummy and healthy foods to nourish your bodies and make you smile. :)

I do what I do for you.

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