Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Still thinking about last night's events. Natalie running around like crazy and Hayden's bizarre fit over not being able to figure out a toy. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Hayden got a hold of Natalie's toy video camera and she was trying to flip the screen all the way over and couldn't figure it out. She was banging it on the chair and crying...just having a fit cause she just couldn't do it! I was like, WTH is going on???? My sweet girl was having her first fit. :( yuck. She loves all things that belong to her sister and could care less about any of her toys. Sometimes there's a battle, but Natalie is getting better at playing with her little sis.

Yesterday was the first day I came in to get Hayden from her nap that she was actually standing up in her crib waiting for me. It would've been cute if we hadn't scared each other. I heard her whining so I opened the door and she turned and looked at me and screamed loudly! We both jumped! haha...it was funny. So now that's she figured it out, she was standing up this morning too. :)

I hope that we all have a better day today girls...Mommy was tired yesterday! I'm still full of love for you both, no matter what!!


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