Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daddy's Girls

The girls really wanted their daddy this morning. He had to go into work today so they were a little sad to see him go. It's not just my moments with the girls that I cherish, seeing his are just as special to me. My Eric...he's the patient one, the calm one, the teddy bear. I'm a little bit of those too, but I have to work at it...he's just naturally our "summer breeze." He's the greatest dad because he listens to the girls; interested in what they have been doing (he even talks to Hayden who only says three words right now.;) I hope that they always have this great relationship. It's an important foundation to be standing on as they get older.

Mommy is so proud of Daddy for the focus he gives to you and the heart in his chest that is so warm and beats only for his girls--including Mommy! ;)

We love you and work hard every day to strengthen and nurture your budding personalities.


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