Welcome to my crazy, happy, wonderful, crazy, magical, fantastic, crazy, unbelievable life.
I hope you find it as fantastic as I do!

Monday, January 16, 2012

"I got the moooooves in my jacket...got the moves in my jacket"

I love kids' take on music lyrics. :) Natalie likes the song "moves like jagger" but she dances around singing "moves in my jacket" ...hee hee. :) She also LOVES Adele's music. Constantly asking us to play it. VERY sophisticated. ;) Hayden loves all music, she will pop her knee to everything from the goofy music on Nick Jr. to heavy metal! She still loves to sing and I will catch her humming along to pretty much anything.

Listening is a challenge for Miss Natalie but she is working on it. I think she's just trying to find her voice. Hayden's got a voice and her own rules. Trying to get her to stop slam dunking her milk bottle, is proving to be challenging to say the least. :( I've found that she can't be around cardboard of any kind because she can tear a piece off in the blink of an eye and use it as chewing gum. WHAT?! I've fished it out of her mouth twice and that was enough to ban her from all things PAPER!

We sat at the table for breakfast this morning. It was kind of peaceful as I drank my coffee and they ate their banana muffins. I always feel so warm when I see them enjoying a healthy goody that I make for them. I pride myself on filling them with wholesome home made foods, and very little processed. Natalie is getting to the age where she can help me make some of them too so I'm excited to have her as my sous chef soon!

I love you, my girls...lets make today a good one!! :)

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Dude...Julianna's little boyfriend Jakcob also insist that how the song goes....so cute...i wanna see a video. Miss yall